Word Associations

Test Your Cognitive Skills

Word Association

Words heard together (such as salt and pepper) or words that have something in common (such as nurse and doctor) are often connected or associated in the brain. Once you hear one, the other is often activated.

The brain teaser below aims to stimulate those associations between words. So what are you waiting for? Read the pairs of words below and find a third word connected or associated with the other two.

  1. Lock - Piano
  2. Ship - Card
  3. Tree - Car
  4. School - Eye
  5. Pillow - Court
  6. River - Money
  7. Bed - Paper
  8. Army - Water
  9. Tennis - Noise
  10. Egyptian - Mother
  11. Smoker - Plumber


  1. Lock - Piano - KEY
  2. Ship - Card - DECK
  3. Tree - Car - TRUNK
  4. School - Eye - PUPIL (OR EXAM; PRIVATE)
  5. Pillow - Court - CASE
  6. River - Money - BANK (OR FLOW)
  7. Bed - Paper - SHEET
  8. Army - Water - TANK
  9. Tennis - Noise - RACKET
  10. Egyptian - Mother - MUMMY
  11. Smoker - Plumber - PIPE